Norris Cole is the type of player that is easy to talk about. When his college coach, Gary Waters, speaks about how much the 6-2 point guard mean to his Cleveland State Team, there is nothing labored about his cadence. Praise for Cole is effusive.
“He’s a great kid,” Waters said. “I’m not talking about average. He’s the best type of kid I’ve ever had in my program.”
The type he’s talking about is complete. Not just offense and defense, in the gym or on his own time, but of both body and mind. He gave everything he could physically because everything was asked of him in 34 and 36 minutes per game his final two seasons as a Viking, yet this is a country full of players capable of physical performance. Not every college player keeps his teammates on campus for two summer sessions before his senior year and guarantees his coach that he’ll have everyone up at 7 a.m. each day.